About Us

We are two great friends who have worked and traveled together for years and have decided to join all the knowledge we've collected from practice, courses, and the elders and spread it!
All of our cosmetic and medicinal products are made by us; some plants we grew or foraged in our beloved Berry Creek, while others were purchased from other foraged or trusted organic sources. 
Our bags, clothing items, and accessories are all handmade in the region of Chiapas in Mexico, and sourced directly from the makers themselves


After a career as a public defense attorney in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Maca picked up and traveled the world. Throughout her travels, Maca has learned a diverse range of holistic health approaches, and has experienced first hand how homemade, natural products have drastically made her body, mind, and soul healthier, as well as that of those around her. So many friends and family members asked for her products after trying them, that we decided to build this business to spread their reach.


Jenny was born and raised in New York City to a Dominican family. After graduating from Cornell University, she took off to travel and ended up cultivating and processing a wide assortment of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms in Mexico, Spain, and California over the years.This led her to further investigate and practice the art of elaborating medicine with both fungi and plant kingdoms. Further, her experiences living in Mexico, where almost everything she used and consumed was local and handmade, radically altered how she felt and viewed her body, mind, and soul. Now, she is very excited to spread the health!