What is illness?

We want to start off with stating one of our basic beliefs... the human body is a perfect machine. What does this mean? Any and all illnesses, diseases, and symptoms are ways in which our body communicates to us a problem on the emotional and spiritual planes; we can take medicine and cover up the symptoms, but if we do not address the "problem" causing the the illness, it will come back, or another will occur because it is your body trying to communicate something to you.

Along these lines, about 80-90% of all diseases or illness are due to lifestyle. This means that anything from stress, to nutritional or exercise habits among many other things are what is actually causing you to get sick. Really even simple things like colds are due to bacteria that can be in us without causing any harm, but it is when our defenses are distracted and/or low, that they are able to cause us to be sick.

And what does this mean for us? That when we are feeling ill, we must always ask ourselves what could be causing this, and why? Then while medicating to help dissipate the physical problem, we can use other methods to address it on the emotional and spiritual levels so that our body can remain healthy. 

Life has a way of showing us what is amiss, but if we continue ignore the signs, our body will be forced to show us. 

All of this said, natural medicine is a great tool for healing not only the physical manifestations of our problems, but also the energetic ones. Just as we as individuals express different energies, so do all entities- like plants and fungi- connected to the heart of gaia, and by connecting with them, we can connect with these energies and change our spiritual, emotional, and physical states in a direction that favors our growth.

In the following posts we will dive deeper into the basics of natural medicine, how to connect with pant energies, and the known qualities of certain plants and fungi. Thanks for tuning in! We hope this has been helpful in some way. 

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