
We understand how crazy or "hippie" it might seem to think as everything as energy, but it is pure science... don't take it from us, check out some of history's most revolutionary scientists... Albert Einstein, Bruce Lipton, XXX. You can realize this in physics, in biology, in chemistry..... you just have to read the underlying meaning, that everything is energy.

What does this mean? It means that we are all made up of energy and in our opinion we work like instruments, resonating and harboring different energies that vibrate as different frequencies manifested as different vibrations that interact with the vibrations around that instrument therefore making new vibrations. These vibrations can meet and double if they're in harmony, or sort of cancel eachother our if they are not.

As a species on planet earth, or as we call it Gaia, we are a part of earth and together all the frequencies of all the things on and in Gaia, make up a whole. That is why when she is healthy, we are healthy and vice versa. And now it is very obvious that Gaia is sick, and so are we. But as we talked about in a previous blog, sickness is the instrument trying to communicate something, because as we can see, nature works perfectly. So we must listen to heal and change the energies within our bodies, so we can change the energies outside of them. 

This is nowhere close to easy, but we must remember one of the primordial rules of science: energy cannot be created nor destroyed. This means that life is rather infinite, and personally, it reminds me to take the lessons that come, to run towards what scares me, to remember that although something might seem dead to me, it has just transformed, and I must let things go so that they can transform, because as Octavia Butler wrote in one of my favorite novels "the only lasting truth is change."

Anyway, because we are all energy, and everything around us is energy, everything reflects the energy that it is.

The moon is nurturing, it helps controls the tides, the weather and thus our emotions; it watches us at night, providing light in the dark, illuminating what we are not used to seeing; when she is gone. 


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